Milestone Consulting Group Store

MCG400 (YJTJ)ā„¢ SeminarĀ 

A highly effective, proven mindset for thinking about and using Microsoft Project to assist with managing projects!

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MCG401 YJTJā„¢ -
Project Management using
Microsoft Project

Milestone's On Demand, Self-Paced Microsoft Project Desktop Hands-On Class

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The Accidental Project ManagerĀ 

Milestone's class for individuals who may have significant business experience; however, they may not have previously held the formal role of project manager.

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MCG900Ā YJTJā„¢ -Ā Master Projects in Microsoft ProjectĀ 

Milestone's class for managing multiple Microsoft Project schedules within a single Microsoft Project file.

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Improve Project Success Rates using Microsoft 365 (Fortune 100 Case Study)

Learn how a Fortune 100 company increased project success rates thorugh a communications process supported by Project for the web (Pftw), Roadmap, and Microsoft Teams!

Free! Get Started Today!